Slum areas are very dense with poor quality buildings,lacking access to some key services such as:education,good sewage system,good electricity,and good health facilities.Women and girls are often denied formal education which affects their children’s health,development and skills.Most teenage girls lacks education which pave way in for unwanted pregnancy which might affect the mental health of such teenager,some of children in the slum get raped which leads to them not seeing life meaningful again and does not want to go back to school again. Dreams from slum initiative help get those children living in the slum get back to school and empowering the women with skills.We also mentor them so as to make their dreams come true by giving them all the support they need in making their dreams a reality.OUR PROJECTS has been numerous as we give support to alot to numerous vulnerable persons and making them achieve their goals in life.We need people to support us to reach out to more people living in undeserved communities…TO lend out your supports,Send your donations (cash) to 1015553042(DREAMS FROM THE SLUM) ZENITH BANK.You can also send materials,for pick up,call 08064222169
The corona virus pandemic came with its unfortunate consequences of a total lockdown of all States and businesses....